
Cranberry and Urinary Tract Infections | What’s The Current Evidence?

Could cranberry potentially play a role in preventing one of the most common bacterial infections in adults and potentially help reduce the risks of antimicrobial resistance?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infection in adults globally, (1) affecting over 150 million people each year. (2) Antibiotics are typically indicated for acute management and are often used prophylactically, either as a short course or long-term. (3) Long-term prophylaxis can last six months to a lifetime, (3) though treatment over many years has not been scientifically studied or validated. (4)

With the increasing prevalence of multi-resistant bacteria, it is critical to avoid antimicrobial overprescribing. (1) Antimicrobial resistance is one of the biggest health threats today. By 2050, 10 million people will die annually if we don’t reduce antimicrobial use. (5) Therefore, finding effective alternatives is vital.

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