
Cm in brief new research from the past fortnight 0

Antibiotic use less in oldies on Vitamin D  Supplementation with vitamin D lowers the risk of antibiotic treatment in older adults Australian research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition online this month shows. The Queensland-based researchers conclude that “although this study was a post hoc analysis and statistically nonsignificant, this trial lends some support to the hypothesis that supplementation with 60,000 IU vitamin D/mo is associated with lower risk of infection, particularly in older adults”. Data used was from the pilot D-Health on almost 650 Australian residents aged 60–84 years randomly assigned to receive monthly doses of a placebo (n = 214) or 30,000 (n = 215) or 60,000 (n = 215) IU oral cholecalciferol for ≤12 mo. Antibiotics prescribed during the intervention period were ascertained by linkage with pharmacy records through the national health insurance scheme (Medicare Australia).

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