Apple crumble chia pudding with cinnamon almond sauce

Apple Crumble Chia Pudding Recipe

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Start the day right with this skin-loving breakfast pudding from Roberta Nelson.

Start the day right with this skin-loving breakfast pudding from Roberta Nelson.

Get a healthy glow first thing in the morning with this breakfast that contains the essential nutrients - vitamin C, E, selenium, omega 3’s and zinc- that help support healthy and vibrant skin.

Vitamins C and E and selenium, which can be found in the apple, oats and almonds are the anti-oxidants your skin needs to help its natural repair systems along and help protect against free radicals that may cause harm to your skin.

READ MORE: How to make antioxidants work for you

Omega 3-from chia seeds and almonds may help to keep your skin glowing and hydrated as well as reduce any inflammation that might be causing patches of redness or aggravation.

Pumpkin seeds are known for their zinc content, a key nutrient for skin health. This trace mineral helps protects your skin and may assist wound healing and tissue repair.

Put all these ingredients into one delicious mix and you have yourself an enticing, skin-loving breakfast that will have you coming back for more before too long!

SKIN FOOD: Healthy skin comes from within

vegan, gluten-free option, refined sugar-free

serves 2


Chia seed pudding

  • 2 cups plant-based milk of your choice
  • 8 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp almond butter
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup or preferred sweetener
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt

Almond and cinnamon sauce

  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1.5 tbsp plant-based milk of your choice
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup or preferred sweetener
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Raw apple crumble

  • 2 tbsp rolled oats, gluten-free if necessary (or use quinoa or rice flakes)
  • 2 heaped tbsp coconut flakes
  • 1 heaped tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 apple, cut into large chunks
  • A squeeze of lemon
Yoghurt of your choice, optional

How to make

  • Place all the ingredients for the chia seed pudding into a plastic container or jar and mix until thoroughly combined. Let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes, mix again then cover the mixture with a lid or plastic wrap and leave to set in the fridge overnight
  • In the morning, mix the ingredients of the almond cinnamon sauce and then build your puddings by either layering them in a jar (add the yoghurt into the layers if you’re using it) or dividing the sauce and chia mix between two bowls
  • In a food processor or blender, pulse the rolled oats, coconut flakes and pumpkin seeds until they are just broken up and still quite chunky. Then add the apple chunks and a squeeze of lemon and pulse again until the mixture starts to come together (do not over combine as the apple will become very soggy!). Top your puddings with the raw crumble and enjoy!

Roberta's tips

  • You can build your puddings in jars, add the raw granola and then place the lids on them to be left in the fridge as a ‘grab and go’ breakfast. They will last in the fridge for 3 days

Roberta of Naturo Medico is a Naturopathic Practitioner who specialises in preventative care and women’s health. From her Melbourne-based clinic, Roberta sees women of all ages wanting to meet their own health goals and assists them on their path with personalised treatments specific to their needs.

Alongside practice, Roberta shares healthful and nutrient-rich recipes with her readers who inspire her to continue educating on what health and wellbeing means and how it can be achieved.

Follow @naturomedico on Instagram for more healthy eating inspiration!