Wild blueberry and lemon slice

Guilt-Free Lemon and Berry Slice Recipe

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This lemon and berry slice is perfect for the mid-morning munchies or to beat back the 3pm slump. Made with whole food ingredients and no added sugar, this is one quick and easy snack that packs a nutritional punch.

The base layer is a well balanced mix of healthy fats, protein, fibre, natural sugars and citrus making it a guilt-free and sustaining snack option for you throughout the day.

The topping is boosted with antioxidants and is a great snack to help you maintain daily wellbeing.



  • ⅓ cup hazelnuts or 1/2 cup hazelnut meal
  • ⅓ cup buckwheat groats
  • ½ cup oats (gluten-free if necessary)
  • 6-7 fresh dates, pitted
  • ½ cup coconut flakes
  • 1 tablespoon un-melted coconut oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Zest of one lemon


  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup coconut butter
  • 2 tbsp blueberry or acai powder

Finishing touches

  • Lemon zest
  • Coconut flakes

How to make

  • Prepare a small baking tray or plastic container by lining it with glad wrap or baking paper. Make sure there is enough to go up the sides for when you need to pull the slice out
  • If you are using whole hazelnuts, place them into a blender or food processor and blitz them into a meal
  • Once the hazelnuts are blended, add the remainder of the ingredients for the base and blitz until a soft dough forms. You do not want to over-process so it is suggested that you pulse the mixture and check continually
  • When the dough is holding together, transfer it into your prepared tray or container and press it down evenly and firmly. Place this into the fridge while you prepare the topping
  • To make the topping, put the coconut oil and coconut butter into a jar and microwave for around 20 seconds to melt them into a liquid. You can do this on the stovetop in a pan as well however be sure to not heat the oils to a high temperature. Add the berry powder to the jar and shake or mix well
  • Remove the base from the fridge and pour the topping evenly over it. Grate the lemon zest over the top and press a handful of coconut flakes lightly into it so that they set into the slice. Return the slice to the fridge to set completely
  • Once set, cut the slice into squares and store in an airtight container for up to 1 week

Roberta's tips

  • Coconut butter can be found in most health food stores and local grocers. It differs from coconut oil in that it is the flesh of the coconut that has been ground into a paste. If you have a high speed blender or food processor you can make your own coconut butter by blitzing coconut shreds or flakes into a smooth paste
  • If you are gluten-free, seek gluten-free oats or substitute the oats for more

Roberta of Naturo Medico is a foodie with her heart set on improving the way we all experience food. Follow @naturomedico on Instagram for more healthy eating inspiration!