Improve your Quality of Sleep in 4 Weeks

4 step action plan

Trouble sleeping? Get our top tips to a good night’s sleep and improved energy levels during the day.

Sign up Restore your sleep

We all know that not getting enough sleep leads to low energy, difficulty in focusing and bad moods. Fitting everything we have to do into one day can be challenging and we often forget to recharge and prioritise sleep over other activities.

We are here to help you restore your sleep health with a 4-step action plan with top tips to a good night’s sleep and improved energy levels during the day.

Sleep is the wellspring of your energy; it’s the anchor that nourishes daily activity. Getting enough sleep each night helps sharpen your brainpower, cushion stress and rejuvenate the body and mind.

When your sleep levels become depleted, either temporarily or habitually, investing the time to get these back on track is one of the most worthwhile commitments you can make for your health.

Our modern lives can easily slip into a sleep-unfriendly state, yet this imbalance can be just as easily redressed through lending extra attention to your home environment, lifestyle, headspace, diet and exercise.

Sign up to our 4-step action plan and get started today on the path to restoring sleep and regaining vitality.

Time to complete

  • 4 weeks


  • Increased energy
  • Boosted mental alertness
  • Greater ability to manage stress
  • Improved mood and immunity


Create a sleep-friendly space


Create a sleep-friendly space

Your home environment and habits have a big impact on how easily you fall asleep, as well as your success in staying asleep throughout the night.

Learn how to tweak both your technology habits and your bedroom environment in a way that nurtures solid sleep, night after night.

Address stress


Address stress

Stress can often cause ‘racing mind’: a mental state that interferes with your body’s ability to relax and drift off to sleep.

We’ll show you how to create a pre-bed routine that gently readies your mind for the important job of sleeping to refresh the body.

Dip into a ‘sleep-friendly’ diet


Dip into a ‘sleep-friendly’ diet

Feeling tired can make you want to reach for the fridge door, but is eating always the best solution to raise your energy levels?

Learn how to fine-tune your diet and time eating so as to bring on, rather than bump out, slumber.

Move more to sleep more


Move more to sleep more

When you’re low on sleep, exercise can be the last activity on your ‘to-do’ list, but when it’s committed to regularly, moving can be just what the sleep doctor ordered!

We’ll help you with a consistent, well-timed exercise routine to help to lock in a winning night’s sleep, for good.