De-stress your diet 1 De-stress your diet 1 Incorporate more foods that contain nutrients beneficial in time of stress into each meal of your daily diet. Including foods in your diet that are rich in key nutrients is our first step to helping deliver nutrients important for the body’s normal stress response and can be as easy is making a few simple tweaks to your daily diet. Breakfast - drink a freshly-squeezed orange juice or add plenty of fresh berries to your cereal to boost your vitamin C levels Lunch - add a healthy dose of spinach leaves to your salad or sandwich for increased magnesium intake Dinner - eat fish 2-3 times per week to up your vitamin B6 intake Snacks - raw carrots, celery sticks, small pieces of dark chocolate
Make a conscious effort to slow down 2 Make a conscious effort to slow down 2 Reduce the amount of non-essential activities that are contributing to your feelings of stress. This could mean switching off social media at various points throughout the day, saying no to social gatherings and reducing the amount of time you spend at work after hours.
Take up a natural stress-relieving activity 3 Take up a natural stress-relieving activity 3 Commit to a popular activity designed to help you reduce stress, like yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Book a regular massage, take a long walk in a local park or bushland, or indulge in a swim at the beach.