Coconut, banana, honey & chia breakfast bowl

Superfood Bowls - Coconut, Banana, Honey & Chia

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Start the day right with this simple, quick, nutritious & tasty superfood breakfast bowl from Roberta Nelson.

Chia seeds are a simple superfood breakfast option for anyone who is on the go. By mixing some chia with milk the night before, you have yourself a nutritious and delicious breakfast to grab and go in the morning. 

This breakfast bowl embraces the basic but loved flavour combination of coconut, banana and honey. This makes it not only easy on the palate first thing in the morning but also easy to whip up from ingredients you’re likely to have in your kitchen. If it’s going to be quick, it also has to be easy! 

Chia seeds are so good for a morning meal as they are a source of protein, omega-3 essential fatty acids and contain fibre to help support your digestion. All of these things combined make for a very sustaining breakfast that will carry you through to lunch without a glitch. 
This delicious breakfast bowl is an easy option for anyone who doesn’t have time to make their breakfast in the morning but still want to nourish and support their wellbeing. 

Make the pudding base the night before, then top with the banana, honey and coconut flakes to serve; and et voilà- a healthy way to enjoy your most important meal of the day. 

dairy free, gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan

serves 2


Chia pudding

  • 6 tbsp chia seeds
  • 400ml can coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • 2 small bananas, cut into slices
  • 1-2 tsp honey
  • 2 tbsp coconut flakes
  • Optional toppings: granola, flaked almonds, coconut yoghurt

How to make

  • Prepare your chia pudding the night before by mixing the chia seeds, coconut milk, honey and vanilla extract together in an airtight container. Let it stand for 10 minutes then mix it again to ensure everything is evenly combined, place the lid on it and let it set in the fridge overnight
  • In the morning, divide the chia mixture between two bowls or jars. You can mix it with a fork before you do this to even out any clumps of chia seeds and fluff the pudding up. Top it with the slices of banana and drizzle them with a honey
  • In a small pan, dry toast the coconut flakes by heating them in the pan for around 1 minute or until the edges are going golden. Sprinkle the toasted coconut flakes on the chia puddings and enjoy. If you want to skip this step, just gently crush and sprinkle the raw coconut flakes on the puddings and enjoy
  • You can store your fully prepared puddings in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days

Roberta of Naturo Medico is a Naturopathic Practitioner who specialises in preventative care and women’s health. From her Melbourne-based clinic, Roberta sees women of all ages wanting to meet their own health goals and assists them on their path with personalised treatments specific to their needs.

Alongside practice, Roberta shares healthful and nutrient-rich recipes with her readers who inspire her to continue educating on what health and wellbeing means and how it can be achieved.

Follow @naturomedico on Instagram for more healthy eating inspiration!