How to better yesterday's workout

5 Ways to Better Yesterday's Workout

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Whether you’re stuck in an exercise rut or just need a little something extra for the Best. Workout. Ever. Here are 5 things you can try to help get you there.

1. Nutrition

To get the most out of your workouts you need to fuel your body with the right type of food.

Your daily diet should include a wide variety of whole foods including wholegrains, fruit and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats from cold-pressed oils, fish, nuts and seeds.

Eating a high carbohydrate meal about 3 to 5 hours before you exercise increases your muscle glycogen (energy stores) and may help your performance.

Stay hydrated when you’re working out and drink water or diluted juice.

Eating a protein rich meal after exercise helps with muscle recovery, and you’ll benefit from having carbohydrates too, to replenish your glycogen stores.

2. Know what you’re working towards & how you’re going to get there

Do you have a clear picture of why you’re slogging it out day after day?

Whether you’re gunning for a 10km PB or you want to take natarajasana to the next level, you need to set realistic, incremental and achievable goals.

Make your goals specific, measure your progress, focus on what you need to do to achieve your goals (rather than the outcome itself) and give yourself a timeline for your main goal and the mini-goals that you want to achieve along the way.

3. Exercise Multi

To help get the most out of your daily workout you may benefit from taking a multivitamin that is specifically formulated to support exercise performance.

Blackmores Exercise Multi has been formulated with;
  • Siberian ginseng to help support stamina, endurance and exercise performance
  • Body ready’ B vitamins (contains metabolically active forms of vitamins B6 & B9)
  • Vitamin D to support bone and muscle health
  • Essential nutrients for daily energy & wellbeing

4. Choose the right playlist

Like most people that exercise, you’re probably listening to music when your workout.

Music helps to boost performance, motivation and mood, helps us work out longer and even helps to distract from the task at hand.

Regularly listening to music is even thought to help people stick to their fitness regime long-term.

To get the most out of your playlist choose music that:
  • Has a tempo of between 125-140 beats per minute; any faster and it’s unlikely to have a beneficial effect
  • Is suitable for the activity you’re doing- the rhythm matches the movement
  • Has meaning to you and is personally motivating

5. Have a massage

No journey to improved fitness and performance would be complete without proper recovery between training sessions.

Remedial massage plays a vital role in relaxing tight muscles, relieving pain, loosening muscles and preventing injury.

Remedial massage techniques can help to increase circulation, relax muscles, stimulate internal organs and calm the nervous system.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.