5 Step Plan to Boost your Preconception Health

5 step action plan

Get yourself in tip top baby making shape with our 5 step action plan.

Sign up 5 steps to healthy preconception

Prior to attempting conception, it’s recommended you and your partner take stock of your health and check for any issues that may affect your ability to fall pregnant and enjoy a healthy pregnancy.  

Our five-week plan is designed to help you prepare yourselves for trying to conceive. You’ll learn about the natural lifestyle habits you can adopt to prepare your body for conception and pregnancy.

Oh and don’t forget about your partner! You will also learn what tweaks he can make to help boost his wellbeing and  may help increase the quality and mobility of his sperm.

Time to complete

  • 5 weeks


  • May help support healthy fertility
  • May help increase sperm health and motility
  • Improve your general health and wellbeing


Talk to your health care provider


Talk to your health care provider

Ideally, you should see your health care provider before trying to conceive in order to get your body into tip top shape for a healthy pregnancy and baby. 

They will be able to help identify issues that may affect your ability to fall pregnant, or enjoy a healthy pregnancy. They can also answer any questions or concerns you may have.  

Adopt conception friendly diet and exercise habits


Adopt conception friendly diet and exercise habits

Your diet and exercise are key factors in maintaining a healthy body weight – important before falling pregnant. Consuming a healthy, varied diet also boosts your intake of essential vitamins and minerals. 

Exercise, in addition to keeping you fit, can help combat stress.

Stock up on supplements


Stock up on supplements

There are a range of nutrients vital to the early stages of your baby’s development – and some are required before you even know you’re pregnant.  

Folic acid, iodine, iron, Omega-3 and CoQ10 help support healthy conception. Ensure you talk to your health care provider before taking any supplements. 

Learn to manage stress


Learn to manage stress

Stress has been linked to delayed or missed periods, which can cause difficulty tracking ovulation and getting pregnant.

Undertaking relaxing activities can help relieve stress – think bushwalking, yoga or regular massages to help de-tress. 

Look at your partner's health and lifestyle


Look at your partner's health and lifestyle

Your partner’s weight, alcohol, tobacco or other drug use, stress levels and intake of certain nutrients can affect his fertility. 

Consuming a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise can help him achieve and maintain a healthy body weight – and keep the stress down. 

Talk to your health care provider if he needs help cutting back on his alcohol consumption or quitting smoking or other drugs.