Healthy Cauliflower, Garlic & Lentil Dip Recipe

By Roberta Nelson

22 Dec 2020

This recipe blends spices, lentils and plenty of garlic to the nutritionally rich cauliflower to create a healthy and delicious dip that is great fit for feeding a party.

Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, B-vitamins and fibre as well as being surprisingly rich in omega-3 fats. 

Let’s talk about vitamin K, the fat-soluble vitamin that doesn’t get much time in the limelight. It is one very important nutrient that has a role to play in ensuring your bones stay healthy and strong. 

It directs calcium that is circulating in your blood into your bones to be laid down and works simultaneously with vitamin D to ensure this happens smoothly. This makes vitamin K particularly important for growing bodies, people at risk of osteoporosis and women but everyone can benefit from a little more vitamin K in their diet so start doing so by whipping up this dip. 

Don’t be afraid to get creative with the flavours and adjust the dip to your taste by adding a touch more lemon juice or a bit more salt, pepper or spice. 

You can also substitute the pumpkin seeds for flaked almonds and use raisins instead of currants.