3 Healthy Snacks for Runners

By Blackmores

19 Apr 2019

Perfect before or after you clock up the kms, here’s 3 healthy snack recipes from the Blackmores Wellbeing Kitchen.

For many, doing a high intensity session after work is an idea ditched as soon the stomach starts to grumble.

This is where a healthy pre-exercise snack becomes essential to keep you on track and get you through a workout.

Same goes for after your workout. If you know you get too hungry after a training session and don’t have enough time to
refuel properly, having a balanced and sustaining snack is vital to keeping on track.

Power brownies


How to make

  1. 1. Heat your oven to 180°C and prepare your muffin tray by oiling it to prevent the brownies from sticking. Alternatively, you can use patty pans
  2. 2. Make your flax egg by combining the flax meal and water and let it sit for around 5 minutes to became gelatinous
  3. 3. Place the flax egg and the remainder of the ingredients into a food processor or blender and mix until your batter is smooth. If you find the batter to be too thick, add a tablespoon of water at a time until your batter resembles a thick icing consistency
  4. 4. Fill up your muffin tray with the batter, smoothing out the top with the back of a spoon or your hands. If you are adding nuts to the top of your brownies, sprinkle them on top and then place the tray into the oven to bake
  5. 5. Your brownies will take anywhere between 25-30 minutes to cook depending on the size of your tin and the heat of your oven. Check them at 25 minutes and continue monitoring until they’re ready. You want the top to look baked over and the sides to be peeling away from the edges. When they’re done, remove them from the oven and leave them to sit in the tray for 30 minutes until they are cool. Remove them gently from the tray and enjoy!
To store your brownies, place them in an airtight container and keep them in the fridge for up to 1 week *You can substitute the flax egg for one regular egg. If you are using a regular egg, ensure the brownies are well cooked to avoid them going off

Chia, fruit and nut bars


How to make

  1. 1. Tip the water off the dates and place in a food processor. Blend until nice and squishy
  2. 2. Add the almonds and pulse a few times until chunky
  3. 3. Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until just mixed through, taking care not to over chop the nuts and seeds
  4. 4. Pour into a lined baking tin, pressing the mixture down nice and firm and bake for 20 mins at 150°C fan forced
  5. 5. Cool for another 20 mins and then place into the fridge to set
  6. 6. When the mixture has completely set, chop into bars or nibble size portions
  7. 7. Enjoy as a quick brekkie on the run or for an afternoon snack
These will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for two weeks. Get creative with your favourite nuts and fruit to make them your own.

Choc, orange & hazelnut protein balls


How to make

  1. 1. Put all ingredients into a food processor and blitz until combined
  2. 2. Roll into small balls. Roll in the added coconut. Place on a lined tray and pop in the fridge until serving
These will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for two weeks. Sign up to the Blackmores Wellbeing Kitchen and get healthy recipes delivered straight to your inbox every week!